Google to abandon Nexus One web store soon

Final delivery of Google’s Nexus One Android handset means that the company’s web store will close shortly


Google is to stop selling its Nexus One online, but the Android phone will still be available in the UK via Vodafone Photo: Reuters    

Google is to abandon its online web store and stop selling the Nexus One Android handset. The phone, which was the first Android handset designed by Google itself, was initially sold only at, but in a blog post the company’s vice president Andy Rubin said that the method had not worked and that the company had now received its last delivery of the handset.
Writing in May Mr Rubin said on the company's Nexus One blog: “While the global adoption of the Android platform has exceeded our expectations, the web store has not. It’s remained a niche channel for early adopters, but it’s clear that many customers like a hands-on experience before buying a phone, and they also want a wide range of service plans to chose from.” Now the company has revealed that “This week we received our last shipment of Nexus One phones. Once we sell these devices, the Nexus One will no longer be available online from Google.”

In the UK, however, where Vodafone has been the exclusive retailer of the Nexus One, supplies will not be interrupted. Google has also said that it will shift phone sales to a conventional retail model globally, rather than selling the handset online. The web store itself will become a showcase for Android handsets.

Summing up the success of the Nexus One, Google CEO Eric Schmidt recently told the Telegraph, “The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn't have to do a second one."

Source: Via[Telegraph]


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