Canon developing smaller DSLRs to compete with mirrorless cameras?

Nikon was joining the league of mirrorless cameras, the whole world's been waiting for its arch rival to make the next move in the battle of smaller prosumer cameras. Today, Canon finally gave away some hints about which camp it'll side with -- probably just sticking with traditional DSLRs, but smaller. Canon's Masaya Maeda didn't share any specific details, but here's how he dodged Reuters' inquiry: "It's not a question of whether or not you have a mirror. There is a consumer need for good-quality cameras to be made smaller. We will meet this need." And to add some icing to that bland statement, Maeda reinforced that it wouldn't be a challenge for his company to retain a mirror (hence a viewfinder, which is essential for obtaining better results and higher shooting rates) in a smaller design, and that they've made very small SLR cameras before (likely in reference to the film era). 

Whatever happens, here's hoping that Canon's new toy won't be any bigger than the much-loved G11.

Source: Via [Reuters]


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