Travelers Staying In Hotel Rooms - Beware of this.. Must watch Video

I think this article is very much useful for the travelers staying in hotel rooms locking up their rooms for a office meeting or a city tour, You should be very careful before you leave your hotel room. We're in a hi tech generation where we see electronic locking system in every hotels. You should carry a towel. Yes you heard it right. This may be something weird, but true. Towel helps you from avoiding your valuables to walk away from your hotel room. "Now this time Dubai police has come up with an video how strangers enter your hotel room without having the key." (A MUST WATCH VIDEO). The tool shown in the video isn't just a plain piece of wire, instead it's a special "government only" tool, but I'm sure that something similar could be constructed or purchased through not-so-legal channels. The point remains that it's a bit laughable that you'd have to resort to shoving a towel into your door handle when you leave your hote...